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世界上 个最疯狂的奶昔店

2022-08-06 15:44:12浏览数:460

全世界最好喝的19家奶昔店,小编看到第一家就已经口水直流啦。。。。。。怪我自控能力太差喽1. Cake Spade — Singapore他们家只


1. Cake Spade — Singapore

2. Burgatory — Pittsburgh


3. Big Kahuna Burger — São Paulo, Brazil

“This place is Quentin Tarantino-themed, so the shakes have awesome names, like the chocolate Jackie Brown and the dulce de leche Honey Bunny.”

4. Luna Park Cafè — Seattle
“I’m lactose intolerant, but I make it work for their Peanut Butter shake!”即使是对牛奶过敏的人也有一种奶昔可以选!

5. The Milkshake Factory — Pittsburgh

“They have had some insane flavors of the month, like cookie (which has ALL different kinds of cookies in it), and Hot Cinnamon Graham Bark.”好多疯狂的口味呢!重点就是各种口味的饼干在里面啊!

6. GD Bro Burger Truck — Santa Ana, California
“Oreos with red velvet cake together make for the most iconic milkshake ever.”

7. Lunchbox Laboratory — Seattle
“Their Boston Creme Donut shake has the actual donut blended up inside. Should be called the Boston Crime Shake, because it’s too good not to steal a sip!”甜甜圈在里面的奶昔哦!

8. Great Shakes — Palm Springs, California

“From Banana Graham Caramel to S’mores with actual melted giant marshmallows, this place is everything.”美国人爱的烤棉花糖也用在奶昔上了哦!

9. The Great British Cupcakery — Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
“I’ve never finished an entire shake, but I always dive in like I’ve never eaten before.”

10. Cheesy Jane’s — San Antonio

“This is not a drill: They have peanut butter and jelly milkshakes, and they’re fabulous!”花生酱和果冻的奇妙组合

11. Papermoon Diner — Baltimore

“You can alway get a bacon or Kaptain Krunch milkshake (literally ice cream mixed with the cereal!), but you have to keep an eye out for their flavor of the week — anything from a PB & J to lavender!”只是简单的将冰淇淋和早餐麦片混在一起,在加一片培根,这是什么黑暗料理呢。。。。。

12. The Diner — Washington, D.C.

“Their Peanut’s Revenge shake is soooo delicious. And you can add Oreos to anything!”加了花生的奶昔,很美味哦,而且大家可以加奥利奥进去所有的奶昔!

13. Hopdoddy Burger Bar — Addison, Texas

“The Nutella and chocolate pretzel shake was an overwhelming explosion in my mouth!”Nutella和巧克力Pretzel的特殊组合

14. Bareburger — New York City

“These shakes taste different from anywhere else I’ve been. Try the Bananas Foster — you won’t regret a single sip!”与众不同的一家奶昔店,香蕉口味的超赞!

15. Cake A Boo — Pantai Indah, Kapuk, Jakarta

“Each milkshake is its own work of art. They’re so pretty it’s almost difficult to eat them!”每一奶昔都像一件艺术品,让人不忍心吃呢。。。。

16. Hamburg Inn #2 — Iowa City, Iowa

“They make pie shakes where they literally throw the entire crust of a scrumptious pie into your ice cream. Heaven!”把派扔进奶昔里,又是一件黑暗料理,哈哈

17. Good Stuff Eatery – Multiple locations in the U.S.

“I have dreams about both the red velvet and the Milky Way shakes.好喝道让人做梦都在喝。。。

18. L’encanto de Lola — Mexico City

“The best milkshake I’ve ever had was here. It was a Cinnamon Toast Crunch milkshake.”又是一个喜欢把早餐cerel扔进奶昔里的店主。。。。

19. Naughty Boy Cafè — Melbourne, Australia
Via instagram.com
“I want to eat every single shake. Just look at how damn arsty and chocolate-y!”浓郁的巧克力哦!没杯都好大份啊!!






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