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浆果译文 | 什么!咖啡比伟哥好用??(捂脸......)

2022-08-10 12:07:19责任编辑:浆果夫妇浏览数:908

摘自美国Roaster杂志 May 26, 2015 12:34 pmDrinking Lots of Coffee May Prevent Erectile Dysfunction, According to New Stud

摘自美国Roaster杂志 May 26, 2015 12:34 pmDrinking Lots of Coffee May Prevent Erectile Dysfunction, According to New Study 根据新的研究表明,大量引用咖啡可能预防勃起功能障碍Drinking two to three cups of coffee per day reduces the incidence of erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a new study published in the journal PLOS One.根据发表在Plos One中一项新的研究表明,每天饮用两到三个杯子减少勃起功能障碍(ED)的发生率。The study analyzed responses from more than 3,700 men who replied to a questionnaire that covered coffee intake, as well as numerous questions related to age, body type, levels of physical activity and dietary patterns. It found that men who consume the most coffee — roughly the equivalent of two to three cups per day, as categorized by the study — were 39 to 42 percent less likely to report past experience with erectile dysfunction. Those results stayed true for men with high blood pressure as well as men who were overweight or obese, although men with diabetes were found to report an inverse result.该研究让3700多名男子回答了调查问卷,涵盖他们每天咖啡的摄入量,以及与年龄相关的许多问题,体型,体力活动和饮食模式的分析水平响应也包括在内。研究发现,消耗最多的咖啡的男士(每天两到三杯,将他们作为分类的研究)他们中39%到42%的人在过去不太可能出现勃起功能障碍。这些结果也包括了患有高血压和超重或肥胖的男性,但患有糖尿病的男性却被发现与报告结果相违背,也就是说有糖尿病的男性,再怎么喝咖啡,你该直不起来还是直不起来。The authors of the study, who suggested the subject has been under-explored in the academic world, say the positive associations with blood flow as it relates to caffeine and erections may have some similarities with previous studies suggesting coffee intake may be good for overall cardiovascular health.在研究中,该研究作者提出这个问题已经在学术界深讨多年,说咖啡因可能对促进身体血液含氧量和流通起著正面作用,而且以往的研究表明咖啡的摄入量可能对总体心血管健康有利有一定相似性。“Our results are consistent with two population-based studies that showed an inverse association between caffeine intake and ED,” they wrote, noting that the sample size in this study was much greater than two previous studies on caffeine and ED. “The suggested biological mechanism is that caffeine triggers a series of pharmacological effects that lead to the relaxation of the penile helicine arteries, and the cavernous smooth muscle that lines cavernosal spaces, thus increasing penile blood flow.”作者写道:“我们的结果是有对两个人群为基础进行学术研究,并且表明咖啡因摄入量与ED之间的逆关联的一致性,” 作者指出,在这项研究中样本大小比咖啡因和ED在前两次的研究规模要大得多。 “通过研究所的出的生物机理是咖啡因触发一系列的药理作用,导致阴茎海绵体动脉的松弛,并且增加海绵体平滑肌的空间,从而增加阴茎血流量。”The questionnaire asked men how much caffeine they had consumed in the past 24 hours, although it did not go into detail about drink types or ingredients such as sweeteners, sugar, cream or others that might well counteract the reduced incidence of ED by not contributing to a generally healthy lifestyle.然而,缺陷是问卷询问受调查男性们在过去的24小时之内所摄入的咖啡因,因为问卷中没有详细指出咖啡饮品类型或成分,比如说甜味剂,糖,奶油或其他可能通过不利于很好地降低ED的发生率。当然那些加奶加糖的咖啡根本对健康生活方式没有益处,更不要说对男性勃起的坏处了。
版权信息:以上文章由公众号【浆果精品咖啡】授权转载,未经允许不得转载。原文编译: 浆果夫妇侵权请联系: weixin@coffeesalon.com投稿合作:tips@coffeesalon.com咖啡是一个世界,我们只是其中的一个窗口。我们是咖啡的传教士,只为把咖啡最真实的呈现给你。咖啡沙龙小编微信号:saloncoffee,欢迎打扰!






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