附带信息: Official sponsors for the 2015 – 2017 World Barista Championship competition season are:World Barista Championship:
- Espresso Machine指定意式咖啡机: The Victoria Arduino “Black Eagle” by Nuova SimonelliEspresso Grinder指定磨豆机: The K30 Vario, K30 Twin, EK43 by MahlkoenigCleaning Products指定清洁用品:EVO®Espresso Machine Cleaner by CafettoThe 2015 World Barista Championship will take place at the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s 27th Event in Seattle, USA, from April 9-12, 2015. For more information about the World Barista Championship and its Qualified Partners, visit www.worldbaristachampionship.org.
Victoria Arduino 黑鹰 VA388 中国代理商信息
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