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世界咖啡师锦标赛(WBC) 年的三个重大变化

2022-08-30 09:42:31浏览数:550

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  图:livestream  DailyCoffeNews2015年3月27日报道:世界咖啡师锦标赛(WBC-World Barista Championship)主办方WCE宣布,2016年在爱尔兰都柏林的比赛将有重大变化。这些变化主要包括以下三项,另外两项变化将在今年4月9~12号在美国西雅图举行的SCAA年会期间宣布。  这三项变化是:  1. 比赛用咖啡机将改为由生产商 Victoria Arduino提供的的Black Eagle” espresso咖啡机,如下图:
  2. 咖啡磨将是由生产商Mahlkönig提供的K30 Vario,并且禁止参赛者自带咖啡磨:
  在都柏林WBC2016总决赛上,Mahlkonig公司将在提供30台K30 Vario咖啡磨供选手使用。  3. 卡布奇诺(Cappuccino)改为牛奶咖啡:  过去的比赛中一直要求选手制作三道饮品:Espresso,Cappuccino和Signature coffee(创意咖啡),其中对Cappuccino的要求是:单份(single shot)的Espresso咖啡和打发牛奶混合,奶泡的厚度不低于一厘米,容器的容量在150~180毫升之间。但是,从2016年起,Milk coffee(牛奶咖啡)将取代Cappuccino,要求也更为灵活:一个单份的Espresso和打发牛奶混合成的热饮,容器的大小在30~240毫升之间,咖啡和牛奶的比例由选手自己决定。  今年(2015年)在西雅图的比赛将是卡布奇诺(Cappuccino)最后一次亮相。  WCE称,制定用磨并禁止选自带咖啡磨是为了比赛平台更为公正,使比赛的关注点回到原创精神。WCE注意到,比赛让选手投入大量的时间、精力、金钱,但每个选手的经济实力、获得资源的能力不同。  说到此,编译者想到:基于同样的原因,是否也应该指定一款统一的比赛用豆并禁止选手自带咖啡豆?因为有的选手唾手可得世界著名优质咖啡豆,而有的选手千辛万苦也见不到好一些的精品豆;有的选手可以御用世界著名烘焙师,而有的选手从未见过烘焙机。  世界咖啡师锦标赛(WBC)2016年的总决赛将在爱尔兰的都柏林进行。  
  图:Sprudge  考虑考国内读者有时候无法打开原文链接,现将原英文报道附后,有兴趣的朋友看看原文:  Major changes are coming to the World Barista Championship format beginning in 2016, including a single grinderlimitation, a new espresso machine model and a new “milk drink course” that replaces the 15-year-old “cappuccino” component.World Coffee Events, the Dublin-based group that produces the WBC, says it plans to announce two additional big changes for next year’s competition during the upcoming world championship in Seattle.  “While we’ve made small changes to the competition format over the years (remember the mandated sugar bowls?), it’s time we introduced more changes — bigger changes,” the group announced today, adding, “changes that bring the focus of the competition back to its innovative roots.”  The equipment changes involve partnerships with Victoria Arduino, which will provide its “Black Eagle” espresso machine, and Mahlkönig, which will provide K30 Vario grinders. The decision to disallow competitors to bring their own grinders for competition use reflects what WCE describes as “an effort to level the playing field and bring the focus of the competition back to its original ethos.”  “WCE recognizes that many competitors — as well as the team of people supporting them — incur a large cost in preparing for the competition in time,energy, and competition supplies,” the WCE announced. “With 50+ sanctioned national bodies spanning the globe, WCE also recognizes that not all competitors have the same resources at their disposal.”  As part of the sponsorship deal, Mahlkönig will be providing some 30 grinders for the WBC, as well as“supporting” national competitions leading up to the WBC, which next year takes place in Dublin.  This year’s WBC in Seattle will also be the swan song of the competition’s cappuccino, which is being replaced by the more broadly defined “milk drink.”  “As new specialty coffee culture emerges, and social media and the internet make the world smaller, we now know that there is more than one way to serve incredible milk and coffee drinks,” WCE announced.  The cappuccino drink has traditionally been one of three drink types required in the competition, along with an espresso and a signature drink. The cappuccino requirements currently include a single shot of espresso and textured milk and foam, with a minimum foam depth of 1 cm, served in a 150 to 180 ml cup.The new milk drink requirements are far more flexible, calling for a hot beverage made from a single shot of espresso and milk, served in a 30 to 240mL cup.  “The changes we’re announcing represent exciting steps towards a new WBC,”Stephen.  Morrissey, chair of the WBC Competition Working Group and 2008 World Barista Champion said.“Our community has always been highly invested in the future of the competition, so we want to be entirely transparent about why these changes are being made.” (---- By Daily Coffee News)  WorldCoffeeEvent的报道见一下链接:  http://www.worldcoffeeevents.org/evolving-the-wbc-2016/ 来源:黄伟精品咖啡烘焙博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_692bf2b70102vtpy.html 按识别二维码,了解更多咖啡资讯↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
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