I paint my dog as a giant to show how big a partofmy life he is.——Woo-jae Jeong我把我的狗狗画的巨大无比,是为了显示它
I paint my dog as a giant to show how big a partofmy life he is.——Woo-jae Jeong我把我的狗狗画的巨大无比,是为了显示它在我的生命中是有多么重要。All of my paintings are oil on canvas.我所有的作品都是在画布上用油画颜料画的。The three objects – a girl, a dog and light- are not only the main objects on my works but also the ones that inspire me a lot.女孩,狗和光线这三样虽然不是我作品的主要元素,但也正是这些元素启发了我很多。Firstly, the girl represents a human in the modern era, a person standing on the line between a child and adult, and she is actually an adult but is not used to being an adult.首先,这个女孩代表了现代社会的人类,站在孩子和成人的分界线上。或者说,她其实已经是一个成人了,只是还没有习惯做一个成人。Next, the dog has stayed with me for 13 years. We can say that people’s life has become more convenient as the technology advances while we lose our human’s nature and emotion.然后,这只狗陪伴我13年了。我们可以说人类的生活随着科技的进步变得更加便捷了,但是我们失去了人类的本性,也造成了情感缺失。Lastly, light represents a healing of the other two objects helping to focus on the issues of loss of human nature and their relationship.最后,光线环绕着人和狗,集中表现了人的本性和他们间的关系,代表了一种两者关系的修复。这些画真的好暖啊,张张可以做屏保。— — — — end — —— —【更多精彩内容,点击阅读】
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