're friendly and adaptive. You actually like the taste of coffee, a rare but admirable trait.你为人友善, 适应性强。你是真的喜欢咖啡的味道,这是一种罕见而可贵的特质。Double Espresso双倍特浓咖啡You
're practical and hard-working. You like knowing that one shot just doesn
't it for you anymore.你务实、勤奋。你很清楚对你来说,(一杯特浓咖啡)一次的努力是不够的。Triple Espresso三倍特浓咖啡You
're enthusiastic but obsessive. You
've been awake since the late 90
're fun-loving and creative. You hate the taste of coffee, but you need the pick-me-up, so you improvise.你喜欢玩乐而且富有创造力,你讨厌咖啡的味道,但是需要靠它来保持清醒,所以你只是凑合着喝。Latte拿铁咖啡You
're reflective but often indecisive. In a world of unknows, you like the safe pick.你善于思考,但是经常优柔寡断。在未知的环境里,你喜欢打安全牌。Cappuccino卡布奇诺咖啡You
're warm-hearted but oblivious at times. Your friends have to remind you to wipe the foam off your lip.你是个热心肠的人,但有时候有点健忘。你的朋友们得时常提醒你:要把嘴唇上的咖啡沫擦掉。Macchiato玛奇朵咖啡You
're traditio
nal and reserved, but for the most part, you hate foam mustaches.你是个传统保守的人,大多数情况下,你不喜欢有泡沫粘在嘴唇上像胡子一样。Iced Coffee冰咖啡You
're asseertive and outspoken. You don
't let seasons dictate how you live your life. Also, you like straws.你是个意志坚定的人,很坦率有什么说什么。你不会让季节来支配自己怎么生活。另外你喜欢用吸管喝咖啡。 Americano美式咖啡You
're calm and conscientious. You enjoy the simple things in life, like picnics in the park, birds chirping, and watery coffee.你冷静沉着、认真谨慎,你享受生活中的简单小事儿,比如在公园里野餐,听小鸟叽叽喳喳,喝淡淡的咖啡。Frappuccino法布奇诺You
're happy and energetic. You claim to love coffee, but really, you just love ice cream.你很快乐,又精力充沛。你自称喜欢咖啡,而其实你只是喜欢冰淇淋。Coffee-to-go咖啡打包You
're serious and focused. You believe when the going gets tough, the tough get cardboard sleeves because the cup too hot.你严肃而专注。你相信遇强则强。如果时间紧迫,你会选择用硬纸杯,因为杯子太烫手。Expresso意式特浓咖啡You
're clever, annoying, or both. You knowingly or unknowingly mispro
nounce eSpresso. Either way, I hate you.你很聪明,又令人讨厌,也或者两者都有。你会有意或无意地错拼成eSpresso。不过是有意还是无意的,我都讨厌你。