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Johan Martin——惊艳之作“意乱情迷”(已打包·可下载)

2022-11-05 14:32:19责任编辑:世界烘焙配方浏览数:395

的今天又把小马哥抓来了分享Johan Martin(上图)配方——意乱情迷(ADDICT)今日配方下载提取码:zjx4每天20:30更新,每篇文末

的今天又把小马哥抓来了分享Johan Martin(上图)配方——意乱情迷(ADDICT)今日配方下载提取码:zjx4每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。世界烘焙配方意乱情迷ADDICTBy Johan Martin开心果乔孔达蛋糕【855克】135 克……杏仁粉 45 克……细砂糖A 75 克……开心果酱225 克……全蛋 45 克……低筋面粉135 克……蛋白 90 克……细砂糖B 50 克……溶化的黄油 55 克……葡萄籽油制作:1、在搅拌缸中把杏仁粉、细砂糖A、开心果酱、全蛋和低筋面粉混合搅拌2分钟。2、将蛋白和细砂糖B打发为蛋白霜加入拌匀,最后加入溶化的黄油和葡萄籽油(可用其他植物油替代)拌匀。3、在33cm X 33cm的硅胶烤盘(Flexipat®)中涂抹平整,放入已提前预热至185℃的烤箱(风炉)中,烘烤12-15分钟,出炉后冷却至室温待用。酸樱桃覆盆子果冻【425克】215 克……酸樱桃果茸 85 克……冷冻覆盆子(搅碎呈果泥状) 65 克……转化糖浆 20 克……砂糖 5 克……NH果胶 35 克……吉利丁冻制作:1、把酸樱桃果茸、覆盆子果泥、与转化糖浆混合的NH果胶放入深底平底锅内中火煮。2、煮沸后加入吉利丁冻(5克200bloom的吉利丁粉+30克水)拌匀。3、放入冰箱冷藏待用。开心果甘纳许【2036克】1300 克……稀奶油 80 克……开心果酱 600 克……白巧克力(Zephyr) 56 克……吉利丁冻制作:1、在厚底平底锅内把稀奶油和开心果酱混合煮沸,然后倒在白巧克力(切碎)和吉利丁冻(8克200bloom的吉利丁粉+48克水)上,均质机拌匀均匀。2、冷藏降温至4℃,用桌上搅拌机用球桨打发奶油状态。红色镜面巧克力淋面【1402克】150 克……水300 克……砂糖300 克……葡萄糖浆200 克……甜炼乳140 克……吉利丁冻300 克……白巧克力(Zephyr) 12 克……红色粉(推荐PCB®)制作:1、在厚底平底锅中把水、砂糖和葡萄糖浆煮至103℃,然后顺序倒入甜炼乳、吉利丁冻(20克200bloom的吉利丁粉+120克水)、白巧克力和色粉,用均质机均质搅拌至光亮顺滑,期间注意避免搅入气泡。2、保鲜膜贴面密封冷藏隔夜。3、隔日回温至40℃,最佳使用温度为30-35℃。组装完成1、在直径7cm高度2.5cm的圆形模具中,挤入“打发开心果甘纳许奶油”至1/2满,然后铺入一片切为直径5cm的“酸樱桃覆盆子果冻”,接着放入切片直径为6cm的“开心果乔孔达蛋糕”,控制其整体与模具高度相同(2.5cm),抹平后冷冻。2、把剩余的“打发开心果甘纳许奶油”挤入直径5cm的半球模具至1/2满,冷冻。3、巧克力调温并调配为红色,在两片塑料片之间擀压平整,并裁切为直径6cm的圆片。4、在巧克力片上挤一点“打发开心果甘纳许奶油”,并把“步骤2”冷冻脱模的小半球甘纳许放在巧克力片上。5、然后用小号圣安娜花嘴环绕半球挤出一圈一圈的螺旋形,冷冻后喷红色巧克力喷砂。6、把“步骤1”冷冻完成的慕斯脱模,并把开心果饼底朝下,用红色镜面巧克力淋面。7、将红色巧克力套在淋面的慕斯底部边缘,将喷砂后的半球放在慕斯顶部。8、最后装饰几滴透明糖浆、柠檬草和金箔(注意:金箔纸国内可能禁用,此处可考虑更改为其他装饰)。继续chef的英文版今日配方下载提取码:zjx4每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。世界烘焙配方A D D I C TBy Johan MartinPISTACHIO JOConDE BISCUIT135 g ground almonds 45 g sugar 75 g pistachio paste "Ligne Trablit"225 g eggs 45 g flour135 g egg whites 90 g sugar 50 g melted butter 55 g grape seed oilProcess:1.In a food processor , mix together for two minuties the ground almonds , sugar , pistachio paste , eggs and flour .2.Then combine the mixture with the whisked egg whites and sugar, then finish with the melted butter and the oil .3.Spread the biscuit on to a square "Flexipat of 33cm X 33cm " of 2cm in height and bake in a fan forced oven at 185℃ for 12 to 15 minutes .Stock after baking.BITTER CHERRY AND RASPBERRY COMPOTE215 g bitter cherry puree 85 g crushed frozen raspberries 65 g inverted sugar 20 g sugar 5 g pectin NH 35 g gelatine massProcess:1.In a saucepan , bring to the boil the bitter cherry puree , crushed raspberries , inverted sugar combined with the pectin NH .2.once boiled , add the gelatine mass(5g 200 bloom gelatine powder and 30g water ) and mix well .3.Stock in the refrigerator for the assembly.WHIPPED PISTACHIO GANACHE1300 g cream 80 g pistachio paste "Ligne Trablit " 600 g white chocolate "Zephyr " 56 g gelatine mass ( 8g 200 bloom gelatine powder and 48g water )Process:1.In a saucepan ,boil together the cream and the pistachio paste , then pour onto the white chocolate and gelatine mass( 8g 200 bloom gelatine powder and 48g water ) .Mix well .2.Cool down the mixture to 4℃ in the refrigerator then whisk as for a chantilly cream.RED CHOCOLATE MIRROR GLAZE150 g water300 g sugar300 g glucose200 g sweetened condensed milk140 g gelatine mass300 g white chocolate " Zephyr" 12 g red food colouringProcess:1.In a saucepan ,cook together the water , sugar and glucose to 103℃ then pour over the condensed milk , gelatine mass ( 20g 200 bloom gelatine powder and 120g water )and then the white couverture chocolate and food colouring .2.Mix and stock in the refrigerator overnight .3.The following day heat the glaze to 40℃ and use at 30-35℃.ASSEMBLY & FINISHING1.Using rings of 7cm in diameter and 2.5cm high, fill to half way with the whipped pistachio cream then place onto this a 6cm disc of pistachio joconde biscuit onto which the bitter cherry and raspberry compote has been piped .Smoothe at the level with a lalette knife and place into the freezer.2.Using the remaining cream , pipe to halfway in "flexipan dome moulds" of 5cm in diameter , then place into the freezer .3.Temper red chocolate and spread in between two sheet of plastic to cut out discs of 6cm in diameter .4.Place onto each disc a small dome of whipped pistachio cream.5.Fill a piping bag fitted with a small sized St. Honore nozzle, with the whipped pistachio cream and pipe around the dome creating a tight spiral.6.Unmould the rings and glaze the gateaux with the rad chocolate glaze .7.Decorate with a strip of red chocolate around the red chocolate spray painted domes - for a velvet effect .8.Finish the decoration with a few grass stems , drops of neutral glaze and gold leaf .戳下图·有配方·可穿越关注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf进入世界顶级烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙资料、最炫蛋糕图片、最时尚面包大师作品,全球名店产品展示,最详尽的配方食谱! 预览时标签不可点






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