Brown Butter cookie ▼120g granulated sugar225g brown butter2u egg yolks225g bread flour4g ground cinnamon5g ground cloves140g ground almonds2.5g lemon zestMix sugar,butter and egg yolks at low speed.Sift dry ingredients together.Add dry ingredients,ground almonds and lemon zest to the butter mixture.Mix only until just combined,chill for 15 minutes.Roll to 4mm thick,cut into a 2.5cm diameter circle.Bake between two air mats until golden brown.Cool and spray twice with a thin layer of uncolored cocoa butter.
Hibiscus jelly▼320g fresh hibiscus flower infused reduction or tea300g unsweetened apple puree10g tartaric acid20g water30g sugar #1400g sugar #212g pectin nhSpray a small amount of coconut oil or cocoa butter on each of two Silikomart “Micro Stone 5”silicone molds and set aside.Combine the water and tartaric acid and whisk until the acid is completely dissolved.Set aside.Combine pectin and sugar #1mixing well.In a pot,mix together hibiscus tea,apple puree,and pectin.Then bring to a light boil over medium heat.Add sugar #2 and bring to a boil making sure the mixture cooks at a medium to high heat,but not too rapidly or else most of the liquid will evaporate.Cook to 107℃,whisk in the water and tartaric acid mix stirring well,making sure this mixture is evenly distributed throughout the entire jelly.Using a portion gun,pour about 4 grams on each of the Silikomart micro stone 5 mold cavities.
Mold preparation▼300g Felchlin Sao Palme 60% dark couverture tempered(casting and capping)q.s. red colored cocoa butter,tempered at 30-31℃q.s. black colored cocoa butter,tempered at 30-31℃Using mold #2280 from Chocolate World.
ASSEMBLY▼Take a hard bristle, fleck tempered black cocoa butter and allow to dry.Then airbrush with tempered red cocoa butter.Cast 1 mold with tempered Felchlin Sao Palme 60% dark couverture, drain and scrape off excess.Right before chocolate has completely hardened score chocolate with a 4-inch fine point skewer in a wavy pattern.Allow to hardenonce chocolate has set completely, pull out 1 half of the chocolate mold and place in a new mold cavity (each mold cavity should have one coated side and one empty side).Place tempered Felchlin Sao Palme 60% dark couverture in a piping bag. Cut off end making a small opening and swirl chocolate onto the empty mold cavity making a web of chocolate. Allow to set.Place 1.5 grams of dehydrated raspberry crisps then pipe in raspberry ganache of the way full. Place a hibiscus jelly in the center of each mold cavity and cap with the brown butter cookie.After the ganache has had time to set its time to cap off your bonbon with tempered Felchlin Sao Palme 60% dark couverture.Spread a thin layer of chocolate onto a guitar sheet and place onto mold.With a metal spatula, remove excess chocolate. Allow chocolate to crystallize for at least twenty minutes in a chilled room before removing guitar sheet and bonbons from the mold.看不懂英文版的配方也没关系哦,这款中文版的“躲猫猫”手工巧克力配方也会准备好哒。所以只需要留言告诉我:看完这位大佬的故事或作品后你有什么感想?(或者告诉我你想要“躲猫猫”中文配方)截止8月30号12:00,所有留言互动的小可爱们都能收到这款“躲猫猫”手工巧克力的中文配方呦!(PS:超过这个时间留言的话是没有中文配方分享哒~

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