- 文末有福利,大开眼界那种哦 -我有时候真的觉得,人比人是可以气死人的。比如很多人和巧克力打交道,还停留在:用哪种方法能完美调温可可脂怎么上色才能blingbling当镜子用巧克力怎么脱模不会有一块块的破损…但是,有些人已经进阶到用各种模制巧克力的甘那许层次做文章,甚至还凭这手绝活儿,登上了全世界最受欢迎的西点杂志《so good..》。/ 各种甘那许切面拼图 /这些整颗整颗的巧克力切开后,简直会让人有一种在一层一层剥开它的心的感觉。不止于此,这位玩转巧克力甘那许叠加绝活儿的大佬还非常热衷于在寸方之地的模制巧克力上作画。是的,没错,他已经厉害到可以用各种颜色的可可脂、用各种各样的手法在模具中画各种各样的画。/ 在巧克力模具里作画/如此热衷各种模制巧克力甘那许层次叠加和在模具小小的空间里作画的chef,是一位来自墨西哥的糕点师Luis Amado,是新晋so good名师之一。在最新一期《so good..》西点杂志发行前,他或许只是全世界众多精湛的糕点师中默默无闻的一个。但了解过他之后,很多人肯定会和我一样,会真心感慨:他就是一个100%巧克力酷盖。Luis Amado▼17岁那年,Luis Amado用自己存的零花钱买了一台手推车,在墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉走街串巷卖油条,从那个时候起他就有了一种觉悟:“我非常享受和顾客打交道互动的感觉,尤其是他们很喜欢吃我的油条时。”和很多小朋友把超人、大英雄、名人当偶像不同,儿时的他就非常崇拜糕点师和厨师。最初他在夜总会的后厨做帮工,后来特地到美国去进修烹饪艺术。从学徒晋升为糕点师助理后,他对烘焙的热情被彻底激发,之后他一直通过糕点创作来展现自己对烘焙的热爱。/ 用不同甘那许层次凸显口味/年仅26岁时,Luis Amado就被现在的密歇根烹饪学院雇佣创办了一个专业的面包店和糕点项目,目前该项目已经成为美国最好的项目之一。2016年,密歇根湖学院对他予以重任,主导开发一个雄心勃勃的巧克力培训项目;目前,这些项目相关设施正在建设中,预计2021年9月落成。除此之外,Luis Amado还在国际上为很多品牌或者机构提供技术顾问和私人课程定制服务。他说:“我从来都不怕通过自己的每一件作品表达自己的想法。”他还说:“生命如此短暂,就别做让自己不快乐的事了吧!”于是,在别的chef们执迷于模制巧克力上色怎样可以更加光亮、别具一格时,他开始打起了用甘那许层次变幻来呈现自己的作品。/ 用不同甘那许层次“作画”/怎么说呢,Luis Amado的手工巧克力单单只看外表,最多只能是觉得颜色丰富、blingbling,好像谁都能做出来,算的上不错的那种。但切开后就不是这么回事了,它内里的甘那许呈现出来的层次感,会让人忽略巧克力的外表、只想品尝一下它到底是什么味道。面对他的手工巧克力,人们总会表现出来的这种类似“真香预警”的反应,但就是这种前后反差,送Luis Amado的作品进入了最新一期《so good..》西点杂志。/ 猜一猜每一款甘那许什么口味/Luis Amado做出来的甜点也非常“特立独行”,我第一次看到他的作品,脑海里浮现了三个字——高级感。不管颜色鲜艳还是素雅,都十分的干净利索、完全不会让人觉得复杂。一片金箔、一片巧克力、一颗果子…都只会让人觉得,把它放在这儿,刚刚好。/ 高级感满满的甜点们/大神之所以能被称为大神,往往都是因为关注到了不一样的点,然后再潜心研究,终得一番作为,而Luis Amado就是深谙此道的人。用文字描述出来的他再厉害都不如来一个配方更实在,所以 今天的福利 来了。最新一期《so good..》#22上收录的Luis Amado手工巧克力原版配方 在此。这款手工巧克力名为The Peek-A-Boo,译成中文叫“躲猫猫”简直不能更合适了,因为它的做法和名字简直100%匹配度哦。The Peek-A-BooYield:56 units▼Raspberry butter ganache▼190g unsalted butter,soft90g high quality raspberry jam,seedless460g white chocolate,melted and tempered at 31℃1g Sosa raspberry aromaBy hand,combine butter and jam until lump free and homogenized.Slowly stream in the white chocolate and continue mixing being careful not to form any lumps.Stream in the raspberry aroma and emulsify.
Brown Butter cookie ▼120g granulated sugar225g brown butter2u egg yolks225g bread flour4g ground cinnamon5g ground cloves140g ground almonds2.5g lemon zestMix sugar,butter and egg yolks at low speed.Sift dry ingredients together.Add dry ingredients,ground almonds and lemon zest to the butter mixture.Mix only until just combined,chill for 15 minutes.Roll to 4mm thick,cut into a 2.5cm diameter circle.Bake between two air mats until golden brown.Cool and spray twice with a thin layer of uncolored cocoa butter.
Hibiscus jelly▼320g fresh hibiscus flower infused reduction or tea300g unsweetened apple puree10g tartaric acid20g water30g sugar #1400g sugar #212g pectin nhSpray a small amount of coconut oil or cocoa butter on each of two Silikomart “Micro Stone 5”silicone molds and set aside.Combine the water and tartaric acid and whisk until the acid is completely dissolved.Set aside.Combine pectin and sugar #1mixing well.In a pot,mix together hibiscus tea,apple puree,and pectin.Then bring to a light boil over medium heat.Add sugar #2 and bring to a boil making sure the mixture cooks at a medium to high heat,but not too rapidly or else most of the liquid will evaporate.Cook to 107℃,whisk in the water and tartaric acid mix stirring well,making sure this mixture is evenly distributed throughout the entire jelly.Using a portion gun,pour about 4 grams on each of the Silikomart micro stone 5 mold cavities.
Mold preparation▼300g Felchlin Sao Palme 60% dark couverture tempered(casting and capping)q.s. red colored cocoa butter,tempered at 30-31℃q.s. black colored cocoa butter,tempered at 30-31℃Using mold #2280 from Chocolate World.
ASSEMBLY▼Take a hard bristle, fleck tempered black cocoa butter and allow to dry.Then airbrush with tempered red cocoa butter.Cast 1 mold with tempered Felchlin Sao Palme 60% dark couverture, drain and scrape off excess.Right before chocolate has completely hardened score chocolate with a 4-inch fine point skewer in a wavy pattern.Allow to hardenonce chocolate has set completely, pull out 1 half of the chocolate mold and place in a new mold cavity (each mold cavity should have one coated side and one empty side).Place tempered Felchlin Sao Palme 60% dark couverture in a piping bag. Cut off end making a small opening and swirl chocolate onto the empty mold cavity making a web of chocolate. Allow to set.Place 1.5 grams of dehydrated raspberry crisps then pipe in raspberry ganache of the way full. Place a hibiscus jelly in the center of each mold cavity and cap with the brown butter cookie.After the ganache has had time to set its time to cap off your bonbon with tempered Felchlin Sao Palme 60% dark couverture.Spread a thin layer of chocolate onto a guitar sheet and place onto mold.With a metal spatula, remove excess chocolate. Allow chocolate to crystallize for at least twenty minutes in a chilled room before removing guitar sheet and bonbons from the mold.看不懂英文版的配方也没关系哦,这款中文版的“躲猫猫”手工巧克力配方也会准备好哒。所以只需要留言告诉我:看完这位大佬的故事或作品后你有什么感想?(或者告诉我你想要“躲猫猫”中文配方)截止8月30号12:00,所有留言互动的小可爱们都能收到这款“躲猫猫”手工巧克力的中文配方呦!(PS:超过这个时间留言的话是没有中文配方分享哒~)- 月度好文 -专访:水果王子CG大师|观点:面包店要日抛吗?世赛上中国的高光时刻|极简风蛋糕又火了C3D甜点理论是啥|怎样做出完美闪电泡芙
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