A. ConnectorsThis is the most crucial part of the creation.Questions I ask to search for start the creative process to create1. key flavor profile2. what our ingredients connect3. what processes are attached to the ingredient4. what’s the DNA of the ingredient5. what is the molecular make up of ingredientwhat grows surrounding the ingredient scientific analysis of the soil or foundation it grows from (with this I need to actually know exactly where it came from).
B. ElementsThe elements are simply the core 3 ingredients that make up the creation which derive from the connector process.
C. DimensionsOnce connectors & elements are understood we can them create dimensional textures by means of the core ingredients we will use.However, the dimension just doesn’t come through ingredients, it can also come through the way we plate present so that everything connects together in an understandable way.要是你有什么更好的理解和认识欢迎在文末留言来和大家一起讨论哦也许聊着聊着我们就能总结出更牛的公式~- 月度好文 -初秋限定芒果雪顶配方|3位西点世界冠军干货2款日式和风面包教程|烘焙中粉类原料大全再不学月饼就晚了|冠军讲习会直播预告学习使我快乐!↓ ↓↓ 预览时标签不可点
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