
加入我们 立刻享有/1.具备市场竞争力的薪资及上升空间;2.入职首月起缴纳五险一金;3. 更有人性化 多样化福利:员工生日神秘礼物、节日礼品、团建/拓训、体检、年会派对、公司产品员工内部折扣价等。工作地址/上海黄浦区淮海中路222号发送简历并附上自己的作品至/lisa@coffeeteaimagazine.com

English editorResponsibilities:1. Editing, proofreading, publishing and translating English articles;2. Coordinate with foreign editors and assisting other editing works;3. Invite foreign co
ntributors to write articles;4. Good communication with IP practitioners, assist to carry out projects and events;Qualifications:1. English or other related major, bachelor degree or above; TEM 8; Overseas study experience is preferred;2. Have at least 1-2 years of working experience,English editor and translator experience is preferred;3.Knowledge of tea culture or relevant working experience;4. Ability to write in native English;

Work time/Mo
nday to Friday, double cease;Address/Shanghai huangpu district no. 222 huaihai roadSend your resume and design works to:Co
ntact email/lisa@coffeeteaimagazine.comPlease attach written works for our reference!

《咖啡茶与冰淇淋》杂志于2017年1月起,正式将总部由原先的泰国迁至中国上海!同时出版英、泰、中、越南语四种语言。发行地区有:泰国、新加坡、中国大陆、中国香港和澳门、马来西亚、越南、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、韩国、澳大利亚等。CTI咖啡杂志(简体中文版)从2011年5月引入国内,经由专业投放渠道,在过去五年里,杂志的投放覆盖面已多达中国92个以上城市。是国内最具影响力的咖啡类杂志。Established from 2007,Coffee t&i Magazinefocuses on the coffee, tea and ice cream developments in Asia in 4 languages: Thai, English, Chinese and Vietnamese. Coffee t&i covers countries and regions including: Mainland China,Thailand,Singapore,Vietnam,Indonesia,South Korea, and Australia. Since Chinese version has entered local market since 2011, it has already covered over 92 cities through the professio
nal distribution channels and became the most influential magazine in coffee industry.

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