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新增兼职岗位 | 是时候加入我们了!

2023-03-31 11:34:06浏览数:667

English editorResponsibilities:1. Editing, proofreading, publishing and translating English articles;2. Coordinate with

English editorResponsibilities:1. Editing, proofreading, publishing and translating English articles;2. Coordinate with foreign editors and assisting other editing works;3. Invite foreign contributors to write articles;4. Good communication with IP practitioners, assist to carry out projects and events;Qualifications:1. English or other related major, bachelor degree or above; TEM 8; Overseas study experience is preferred;2. Have at least 1-2 years of working experience,English editor and translator experience is preferred;3.Knowledge of tea culture or relevant working experience;4. Ability to write in native English;Work time/Monday to Friday, double cease;Address/Shanghai huangpu district no. 222 huaihai roadSend your resume and design works to:Contact email/lisa@coffeeteaimagazine.comPlease attach written works for our reference!Established from 2007, Coffee t&i Magazine focuses on the coffee, tea and ice cream developments in Asia in 4 languages: Thai, English, Chinese and Vietnamese. Coffee t&i covers countries and regions including: Mainland China,Thailand,Singapore,Vietnam,Indonesia,South Korea, and Australia. Since Chinese version has entered local market since 2011, it has already covered over 92 cities through the professional distribution channels and became the most influential magazine in coffee industry.






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