- 我们需要哪些职位 -①杂志中文采编工作范围:1.掌握每一期杂志的进度,确保杂志按时出刊;2.负责杂志的选题采集和筛选,把控每一期杂志的主题内容和方向,润稿、修正、对稿等工作;3.负责杂志部分版面内容更新、专题制作和原创文案的撰写,并指导、配合美编完成版面设计实施;4.负责部分网络媒体的宣传,指导采编组及时更新线上媒体;5.协助杂志广告业务,收集杂志广告;定期参与展会,采编新闻内容,并推广杂志。任职要求:1.有较强的写作功底,新闻敏感度强,从事过网络或杂志采编相关工作;2.熟悉编辑流程,善于组稿、约稿、采访及稿件整理和撰写工作;3.英文听说读能力强,具备较强的摄影技术;4.热爱且具备基本的咖啡知识,喜欢沟通交流,从事过咖啡行业的优先考虑;5.责任心强,执行能力强,并注重个人与品牌的长期共同成长。

②English editor(coffee)Working range:1.In charge of Coffee tea&i each issue english edition editing, proofreading, publishing and translating English articles;2.Search and co
ntact other foreign co
ntributors ,to co
nsummate each column;3.Searching and update regular news in facebook/instragram and keep it altive ,add more fans;4.Co
nduct interviews in both Chinese and English;5.Represent reporter and be on business trips abroad and reporting on social media.Requirements:1.College degree or above, relevant working experience in editing;2.English listening and speaking ability, strong photography skills;3.Love coffee, enjoy communication, have basic coffee knowledge, and have a high priority in coffee industry;4.Good at writing, strong news sensitivity, effective and accurate co
ntrol of words, with good strategic thinking and planning skills;5.Familiar with editing process, good at drafting, drafting, interviewing and manus
cript finishing and writing;6.I have a life plan, a strong sense of responsibility, hard work, strong execution, and a long term growth of perso
nal and business.

- 加入我们 立刻享有 -1.具备市场竞争力的薪资及上升空间;2.入职首月起缴纳五险一金;3. 更有人性化 多样化福利:员工生日神秘礼物、节日礼品、团建/拓训、体检、年会派对、公司产品员工内部折扣价等。